Monday, May 25, 2009

can't men be real men?

Why can't men be real men? Why can't they take responsibility for their actions and be men? I am a man and if I had children I would take care of them. Regardless of how the relationship was with the mother. But no, men would rather tell a woman they loved them while physically and mentally abusing them and then have kids on top of that and decide they wanna break it off. That is not a man. A man takes care of his kids. A real man would do everything he could to make sure his kids had food and a home and everything else they need. I certainly would not neglect any of my kids if I had any. As for having kids. A real man would know that if he could not support a child that it would be a bad time to have one. Unfortunately most men are not real men, and that makes all of us good guys look bad. Thanks...

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