Monday, May 25, 2009

is the world full of hate?

Why is the world full of hate? Why can we all not get along? People would rather kill someone than volunteer to make someones life better. Is it so hard to take 2 hours out of your busy life to make someone who is less fortunate than yourself have a better day? If time is too much to offer then you must have the money to give. After all money is nothing but lost time being given back to you. Most people care about no one but themselves. Nothing is important unless you get something out of it. Feeling good about yourself for helping someone is not good enough. The world today lives by one rule. Survival of the fittest. Instead someone helping another overcome something they push them down lower in hopes of achieving their goal first. No man or woman are equal and none are treated equally. Sadly, that will never change because of greed. Greed is the cause of all things. People are controlled by greed and are never satisfied. They want more and more and it is never enough. More money, and more power. Unfortunately none of this will ever change...

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